Another Democratic Future is Possible

DemocracyNext is an international foundation working to accelerate the spread of high quality, empowered, and permanent citizens’ assemblies. 

We believe in a more just, joyful, and collaborative future, where everyone has meaningful power to shape their societies. 

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Citizens’ assemblies are brave spaces for creative problem solving.

Assemblies are designed for exercising our collective intelligence, engaging with complexity, and finding common ground.

At their heart are three key ideas:

1. Sortition (selecting decision makers by lottery)

2. Deliberation (collectively weighing evidence for shared decisions), and 

3. Rotation (taking turns representing, and being represented by others).

DemocracyNext Assembling an Assembly Guide

Our three-stage guide to accompany you through the different steps of designing, running, and acting on the results of a citizens’ assembly is available here

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The New Yorker covers the Deschutes Civic Assembly

Citizens' Assemblies: Democratic Responses to Authoritarian Challenges in Central and Eastern Europe

More-than-human governance experiments in Europe

Announcing the DemNext Cities Programme

Tech-Enhanced Deliberative Assemblies

The MIT Center for Constructive Communication (MIT CCC) and DemocracyNext have launched a two-year pop-up lab to harness powerful technologies to create positive, constructive, human-led systems shaped by the proven model of deliberative assemblies worldwide. 

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